01. Where is the school located?

ELCS is located in Boushaki City, N°185, Bab Ezzouar Town, 16000.

02. Do we need to make an appointment to come to ELCS?

Yes, you need to make an appointment.

03. How can we contact you?

Here is our WhatsApp Number +213-770-966-668 or via Email.

04. Do you only deliver International Training for Teachers?

No, we deliver other national and international courses.

05. Do I have to be a teacher to join your International Training of Teachers?

No, even university students can join,
you just need to have a good English and be passionate about Teaching.

06. Are your Training accredited?

Yes, by the International Accreditation Organization (IAO) and the Institute of Training & Occupational Learning (ITOL)

07. Do I need to have an advanced level in English to be able to join the International Business English?

No, you need to have an intermediate level.

08. Do you deliver the International Business English Course online?

Yes, we do.

09. How can you know our level?

You will be contacted for the interview.